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Stan Smith
MS/HS Band Teacher
School District of Athens
Rebecca Bliven
HS/MS Administrative Assistant
715-257-7511 x100
Jessica Bingham
Physical Education/Health Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x110/147
Dee Brewster
Information & Technology Literacy Coordinator (ITLC)
School District of Athens
715-257-7571 x207 or 715-257-7511 x117 or 715-257-2199 x310
Jessica Bunkelman
HS Science/Agriculture Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x132
Todd Diethelm
MS Social Studies Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x128
Danielle Gauerke
Health Aide / ITLC Aide
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x106
Juli Gauerke-Peter
MS/HS Principal
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x103
Jamey Handschke
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x154
Tennille Hartmann
Food Service
School District of Athens
715-257-7571 x210
Bernice Hopperdietzel
Food Service
School District of Athens
Heather Krueger
Food Service Supervisor
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x136
Angela Montalvo
District Nurse
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x106 or 202
Michelle Murkowski
Business Ed Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x114
Mary Nelson
HS Science Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x112
Sheila Nevienski
Family Consumer Science/Health Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x108
Tanner Nowacki
Evening Custodian
School District of Athens
Kayla Passehl
Food Service
School District of Athens
715-257-7571 x210
Korey Rottscheit
HS Mathematics Teacher
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x111
Andrea Sheridan
School District of Athens
715-257-7511 x 151